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von Moritz Grolig.


Thoreau, H. D.: Works. (New Riverside ed.) Boston 1893, Houghton. 10 vols. [Gewöhnl. Ausgabe in 12° und auf Großpapier in 8°. Neue Titelauflagen 1894 u. 1895].

Thoreau, H. D.: The complete writings, includ. the journal of T. ed. by Bradford Torrey. (Walden Edition) Boston [1908] Houghton. 8° (20 vols.)

Thoreau's thoughts: selections from the writings of T. ed. by H. G. O. Blake. Boston 1890. Houghton 16° (5; 153 S.) [M. e. Bibliographie d. Schriften von T. Neue Titelaufl. 1894].

Selections from Thoreau. Edited with an introduction by H. S. Salt. London 1895. Macmillan. 8° (XXII; 330 S.).

Essays and other writing. Ed. with a prefatory note by W. H. Dircks. London [1895]. W. Scott. 8° (XIV; 271 S.).

Walden, or life in the woods.
– Boston 1854.
– Boston 1864.
– Edinburgh 1884 D. Douglas. 8° (357 S.).
– With an introductory note by W. H. Dircks London 1886. 8° (XXVIII; 336 S.) [Neue Titelauf1. (1895)].
– Boston 1889. Houghton. 16° (2 vols. 259 S., 4; S. 260-514) [Riverside aldine ser.].
– popular edit., with biographical introduction by Ralph Waldo Emerson. Boston 1897. Houghton 12°.
– Deutsch von E. Emmerich. München 1897. Stettin, Verl. Concord. 8° (XXII; 356 S.) [2. Titelaufl. 1903, 3. Titelaufl. 1908].
– with an introd. by C. G. D. Roberts. New-York [1899]. T. Y. Crowell. 16° (XVI; 350 S.) Portr. [Faience library].

Walden, New-York 1902. Burt. 12° [Home library].
– Boston 1902. Houghton. 12° (New one-vol. holiday ed.).
– oder das Leben in den Wäldern. Aus d. Engl. übers. v. Wilh. Nobbe. Jena 1905. E. Diederichs. 8° (XXIII; 341 S. m. Bildn.).

A Yankee in Canada, with anti-slavery and reform papers. Boston 1866. 8°.

Excursions. Biographical sketch by R. W. Emerson. Boston 1863. 8° (319 S.).
– with biographical sketch by R. W. Emerson. New-York [1906]. T. Y. Crowell. 16° (II, 256 S.) (Handy volume classics pocket ed.).

The service; ed. by F. B. Sanborn. Boston 1902. Goodspeed.

Sir Walter Raleigh; lately discovered among his unpublished Journals and manuscripts; introd. by F. B. Sanborn. ed. by H. Aiken Metcalf Boston 1905. Printed exclusively for members of the Bibliophile Society. 8° (XIV; 106 S. Portr.) [489 Explare].

Friendship. New-York [1906]. T. Y. Crowell. 12° (56 S.) (Chiswick ser.).

A plea for Capt. John Brown; read to the Citizens of Concord, Mass. Oct. 30, 1859 siehe: REDPATH, J.: Echoes of Harper's Ferry. 1860.

The first and last journeys; lately discovered among his unpublished Journals and manuscripts. Ed. by F. B. Sanborn. Boston [1905]. Printed exclusively for members of the Bibliophile Society. 8° [489 Explare].

Cape Cod. Boston 1892. Houghton 8° (252 S.).
– ill. from Sketches in colors by A. M. Watson. Boston 1896. Houghton. 12° (2 vols: V, 173 S.; III; 208 S.).

Unpublished poetry. Ed. F. B. Sanborn. With portr. Critic. 1882. I; S. 75.

Anti-slavery and reform papers. Selected and edited by H. S. Salt. London 1890. Sonnenschein 8° (141 S.).

Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers. New-York 1900. Crowell. 16° (Handy volume ed.).

A week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers. Boston 1849. 8°.
– With a prefatory note by W. H. Dircks. Boston [1889]. 8° (XVIII; 349 S.).
– [Stereotypausgabe.] London [1897].
– New-York. 1900 Crowell. 16° (Handy volume ed.).

Poems of nature. Selected and edited by H. S. Salt and F. B. Sanborn. London 1895. J. Lane. 8° (XIX, 122 S. – [Amerikan. Ausgabe:] Boston: Houghton. [Angez.: Saturday Review.: 1895, 81; S.: 55 – Scribners Magazine. 1895, 17; S: 352.].

Early spring in Massachusetts. From the journal of T. [ed. by H. G. O. Blake] Boston 1881. Houghton 8° (VII; 318 S.).

Summer. Ed. by H. G. O. Blake. Boston 1884. Houghton 8° (V; 382 S.). [Engl. Ausg.:] London Fisher.

Autumn. Ed. by H. G. O. Blake. Boston 1892. Houghton 12° (VI; 470 S.).

Winter. Ed. by H. G. O. Blake. Boston 1888. Houghton 8° (VI; 439 S.). – Deutsch v. E. Emmerich. München [1900]. Stettin. Verl. Concord. 8° (288 S.). [Eine 2. Titelaufl. erschien im selben Jahre].

The succession of forest trees, wild apples and sounds ... with a biographical sketch by R. W. Emerson. Boston [1887]. Houghton 8° (103 S.). (The Riverside literature series no 27).

The Maine woods. Boston 1864.
– with an introd. by A. R. Marble. New-York [1906]. T. Y. Crowell. 16° (XV; 359 S.). (Handy volume classics pocket ed.).


Letters to various persons. Boston 1855. 12°

Some unpublished letters of H. T. and Sophia E. Thoreau. Ed. by S. A. Jones. Jamaica, Queensborough N. Y. 1899 Marion Press. 8° (XXXVI; 86 S.).

Familiar letters. Ed. by F. B. Sanborn. Boston 1894. Houghton 8° (XII; 483 S.) [Angez.: Dial. 1894, 17; S.: 228 von L. J. Block].

Correspondence with Emerson. Ed. F. B. Sanborn. Atlantic Monthly (Boston) 1892. v.: 69; S.: 577, 736.

Letters to various persons. Boston 1892. Houghton 8° (229 S.).

Russell, E. H. T., and Isaac Hecker, unpublished correspondence. Atlantic Monthly. 1902, v.: 90 S.: 370.


Critic (New-York) 1881 v. 1; S. 73 [1861].
– 1882 v. 1; S. 95.
– 1903 v. 42; S. 15 [sketch 1854].
– 1903 v. 42; S. 425.

Century magazine 1882 v. 2; S. 368 (Critcherson pinx. 1861).
– 1895 v. 28; S. 563.

Alcott A. B. Sonnets. Boston 1882. S. 119.

Book buyer 1897 v. 14; S. 551 [nach Daguerrotypie 1858].
– 1897 v. 14; S. 554.
– 1900 v. 20; S. 113 [Medaillon: W. Ricketson sc.].

Bookman 1897 v. 6; S. 211, 212.

Griswold, P.: Personal Sketches 1898. S. 298.

Howe: American bookmen 1898. S. 178 [Rowse del.].

Harper's Magazine 1875 v. 51; S. 29.
– 1894 v. 89; S. 448.

New England magazine (Boston) 1898. n. s. vol. 18; S. 436.

Outlook 1899. v. 63; S. 817.

Werckmeister: Das 19. Jhdt. in Bildn. 1899 3. Taf. 330.

Mitchell: American lands 1899. S. 273 [Rowse del.].

Moulton: Libr. of lit. crit. 1904. v. 6; S. 267 [F. T. Stuart eng.].

Biographien und Kritiken:

Thoreau, a rural humbug. Knickerbocker Magazine (New-York) 1855, 45; S. 235.

Briggs, C. F.: Walden. Putnams Monthly Magazine. (New-York) 1855. 4; S. 443.

Thoreau, the American Diogenes. Chambers Edinburgh Journal 1857. 28; S. 330.

Emerson, R. W.: Atlantic Monthly 1862. 10; S. 239.

Weiss, J.: Christian Examiner 1865. 79;S. 96.

Alger, W. R.: Monthly religious magazine (Boston) 1866. 35; S. 382.

Frasers magazine 1866. 73; S. 447.

Eclectic magazine 1866. 67; S. 180.

Every saturday (Boston) 1866. 1; S. 662.

Lowell, J. R.: Every saturday 1871. 10; S. 166.

Channing, Will. E.: Thoreau: the poet naturalist [A biography] Boston 1873.

British quarterly review, (London) 1874. 59; S. 181.

Living age 1874. 120; S. 643.

Eclectic magazine 1874. 82; S. 305.

Collins, M.: Dublin university magazine 1877. 90; S. 610.

Page, H. A.: [Pseudonym für JAPP, Alex. Hay] Thoreau, his life and aims. London 1878. [1877].

Hughes, T.: Study of T. Eclectic magazine 1878. 90; S. 114.

O'Conor, J. V.: Thoreau and New England transcendentalism. Catholic world 1878. 27; S. 289.

Pity and humor of Thoreau. Littels living age (Boston) 1880. 146; S. 190.

Stephenson, R. L.: Charakter and opinions of Thoreau Cornhill magazine (London) 1880. 41; S. 665. Eclectic magazine 1880. 95; S. 257. Littels living age 1880. 146; S. 179.

Kennedy, W. S.: New estimate of Thoreau. Pennsylv. monthly (Philadelphia) 1880. 11; S. 794.

Bartlett, W. C.: Thoreau in books and woods. Californian 1880-82. 2; S. 514.

Burroughs, J.: Wildness of Thoreau. Critic 1882. 1; S. 74. Century 1882. 2; S. 363. [Wiederabgedr. in Essays from »The Critic«].

Sanborn, F. B.: Thoreau [a biography] Boston 1882. 8° (VIII; 324 S.) (American men of letters ed. C. D. Warner) [Besprechgn: Nation 1882. 35; S. 34. – Literary world (Boston) 1882. 13; S. 227. – Athenaeum 1882. 2; S. 558. – American. 4; S. 218. – Academy 22; S. 271].

Powers, H. N.: Dial 1883. 3; S. 70. Spectator 1883. 56; S. 239.

Lewin, W.: Summer of Thoreau. Academy 1884. 26; S. 193. Literary world 1884. 15; S. 223.

Powers, H. N.: Spectator 1885. 58; S. 122.

Salt, H. S.: Temple Bar 1886. 78; S. 369.
– Critic 1887. 11; S. 276, 289.

Benton, J.: Poetry of Thoreau. Lippincotts magazine 1886. 37; S. 491.

Underwood, F. H.: Good words 188. 29; S. 445.

Burroughs, J.: Chautauquan 1889. 9; S. 530.

Knortz, K.: Ein amerikanischer Diogenes. Hamburg 1889. Verlagsanstalt. 8° (32 S.).

Week on the Concord. Saturday review. 1889. 68; S. 195.

Lewin, W.: Academy (London) 1890. 38; S. 357.

Salt, H. S: The life of Thoreau. London 1890. Bentley 8° (X; 315 S.).

Caldwell, J. W.: Works of Thoreau. New Englander 1891. 55; S. 404.

Graham, P. A.: Thoreau in: Graham: Nature in books. London 1891. S. 66.

Jones, S. A.: Biographers of Thoreau. Lippincotts magazine 1891. 48; S. 224.

Curtis, G. W.: Thoreau in: Curtis: From the easy chair. New-York 1892. S. 62.

Sanborn, F. B.: Thoreau and Thomas Cholmondeley. Atlantic monthly (Boston) 1893. 72; S. 741.

Belgravia (London) 1893. 81; S. 375.

Jones, S. A.: Bibliography of Thoreau with an outline of his life. New-York 1894. Rowfant Club of Cleveland. 8° (80 S.).

Stewart, G.: Canadian magazine (Toronto) 1894. 4; S. 101.

Prinzinger, A.: Thoreau, der amerikanische Naturschilderer. Salzburg 1895. 8° (16 S.).

Abbott, C. C.: Lippincott's magazine 1895. 55; S. 852.

Sanborn, F. B.: Poems of nature. Scribners magazine (New-York) 1895. 17; S. 352.

Wolfe, T. F.: Thoreau and Walden in: Wolfe: Literary shrines of American authors. Philadelphia 1895. S. 68.

Ellwanger, G. H.: Sphere of Thoreau in: Ellwanger: Idyllists of the country side New-York 1895. S. 173.

Salt, H. S.: The life of Thoreau. London 1896. W. Scott. 8° (X; 208 S.) [Mit Bibliographie von J. P. Anderson. New-York: Scribner's sons.]

Stanley, H. M.: Thoreau as a prose writer. Dial (Chicago) 1896. 21; S. 179.

Torrey, B.: Atlantic monthly 1896. 78; S. 822.

Sanborn, F. B.: Thoreau and Emerson. Forum (New-York) 1897. 23; S. 218.

Hubert, P. G. jr.: Thoreau and Walden Pond. Book buyer 1897. 14; S. 549.

Jordan, D. S.: Thoreau, last of the puritans in: Jordan: Story. San Francisco 1897. S. 177.

Livingston, L. S.: First books of Thoreau. Bookman (New-York) 1898. 8; S. 40.

Salt, H. S.: Thoreau and J. A. Froude. Academy 1898. 56 S. 305.

Burroughs, J.: Thoreau. Library of worlds best literature. Ed. Warner. New-York 1898. 25; S. 14871.

Griswold, H. T.: Personal sketches of recent authors. Chicago 1898. S. 298 m. Bildnis.

Mitchell, D. G.: American lands and letters. New-York 1899. vol. 2; S. 271.

Fisher, Mary.: General survey of American literature. Chicago 1899. S. 286 m. Bildnis.

Torrey, B.: Thoreau. Attitude toward nature. Atlantic monthly (Boston) 1899. 84; S. 706.

Beardsley, G.: Thoreau as a humorist. Dial (Chicago) 1899. 28; S. 241.

More, P. E.: A hermit's notes on Thoreau. Atlantic monthly 1900. 87; S. 857.

Smith, F. M.: Critic 1900. 37; S. 60.

Sanborn. F. B.: Personality of Thoreau. Boston 1901. Goodspeed.

Dunton, E. K.: Channing and Marble on Thoreau. Dial 1902. 33; S. 464.

Marble, Annie, R.: Thoreau, his home, friends and books. New-York 1902. Crowell.

Saville, S. E.: Gentlemans magazine n. s. 1902. 68; S. 400.

Channing, W. E. Thoreau, the poet-naturalist. New ed. by F. B. Sanborn. Boston 1902. Goodspeed.

Marble, A. R.: Thoreau, where he worked and wandered. Critic. 1902. 40; S. 509.

Laughlin, C: Two famous bachelors and their love stories. Book buyer 1902/03. 15; S. 241.

Leighton, W.: Thoreau. An estimate. Arena (Boston) 1903. 30; S. 489.

Capen, O. B.: Home of Thoreau, Concord. Mass. Country life in America. 1904. 5; S. 285.

Torrey Bradford: Thoreau as a diarist. Atlantic monthly 1904. 95; S. 5.

More, P. E.: Thoreau and german romanticism. Nation (New-York) 1904. 83; S. 388, 411.

Mabie, H. W.: Thoreau, a prophet of nature. Outlook 1905. 80; S. 278.

Sanborn, F. B.: Thoreau and Ellery Channing. Critic. 1905. 47; S. 444.

Coleman, G. P.: Dial (Chicago) 1905. 40; S. 352.

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